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Biologia 12

Ficha de Leitura nº 8 Data:07/06/11

Unidade de Ensino: Imunidade e controlo de doenças

Conteúdo/assunto: A presença de certas proteínas podem parar ou activar a proliferação celular

Título: Scientists Uncover Role for Cell Scaffold in Tumor Formation: Fruit Fly Reveals Surprising Link

Resumo: Uma equipa de investigação do Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, liderada por Florence Janody, descobriu uma ligação entre o “esqueleto” das células e o tamanho dos órgãos. Determinadas proteínas do esqueleto da célula (proteína actin-capping) funcionam como inibidores de uma proteína (Yorkie) que quando está presente na célula activa o gene do núcleo que contém a informação que determina a proliferação celular. Com esta descoberta de uma equipa portuguesa, a ciência está mais perto de encontrar uma cura para o cancro.

Fonte: (cons:07/06/2011)

Pesquisador: David Alecrim

Scientists Uncover Role for Cell Scaffold in Tumor Formation: Fruit Fly Reveals Surprising Link

During development of an embryo, cells proliferate and organs grow. This process is tightly regulated, at several levels, to ensure that organs do not outgrow the body they are in. One of the key regulators in this process is the Hippo complex of proteins -- first identified in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Mutant flies, in which this complex is defective are larger than their counterparts -- they are hippopotamus-like. A search for analogous genes uncovered a similar role for the Hippo complex in mammals -- organs grow larger than they should. In adults, this abnormal and untimely growth often leads to tumour formation.

A flurry of papers has shown that the Hippo complex itself is regulated by a range of signaling inputs within the cell. Florence Janody's group identified a new, and unexpected input: the cell skeleton (called cytoskeleton), in particular one of its proteins, the actin-capping protein.

Using Drosophila larvae, the IGC team showed that when the actin-capping proteins are inactive, there is overgrowth of tissue in the area that will become the adult wing. This growth is reminiscent of tumour formation. The researchers dissected the different steps in the process that lead to abnormal growth. Inactivating actin-capping proteins leads to accumulation of actin, a major component of the cytoskeleton; this reduces the activity of the Hippo complex, leaving another protein, Yorkie, free to act on the DNA in the nucleus, turning on proliferation genes.

The cytoskeleton serves several functions in a cell: it provides structure, motility (allows cells to move, change shape and divide) and membrane traffic (transport of proteins and other large molecules within the cell). The actin protein forms cables that crisscross the cell. The cables are constantly being elongated and shortened at their ends. The actin-capping proteins are involved in this process.

In Florence's words, ' What we've revealed is that the cytoskeleton needs to be very tightly regulated within the cell, to prevent abnormal growth in the larvae. Since Hippo is also turned on in the adult and in mammals, we believe these findings provide insights into how this process may be manipulated in human cells, with a view to preventing tumour formation, or blocking its progression'

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